Detailing Parts
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Guards van and other lamps
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SD01  Capstan and Pulleys
SD02  LMS Van Ballast Box
For goods yards, factories and quaysides
Detailing kit for the Airfix/Dapol, now Hornby LMS guards van. Now includes side and tail lamps.
Tools and consummables
SD03  Urban Chimney Pots
Typical plain chimney pots for city and town dwellings.
CSB  Suspension wire
Springy wire for 'Continuous Springy Beam' (CSB) suspension on locos, wagons and coaches.
SD04  Westinghouse Pumps
Air Pumps for Tyne Dock locomotives and WD locomotives in early BR days
CSB00  CSB Anchors
A more substantial hand rail knob, suitable as a CSB anchor - as used in our tender chassis kits.
LD01  Loco Detailing Packs
Loco detailing pack with several options for Judith Edge Stanier 2-6-2 tank.